Hi! Welcome to my site.

Why this website
The vision behind this website is to share what I've learned during my studies and career as a learning expert. If you discover just one new thing after reading these posts, my mission is accomplished.
Here, you can find ready-to-use ideas to improve your skills or just read some interesting facts about communication, motivation, languages, cultures, leadership, and learning. This variety of articles is the result of my broad interests and passions. As a researcher, I like to explore the topics I'm writing about. That's why you'll find suggested reading and links to various studies and other articles.
Why I do what I do
I am a social scientist with a special interest in education, learning&development, languages, and cultures. Interesting combination, right?
My initial interest in learning and education started early on - in kindergarten. According to my parents, I couldn’t wait to start with “real school and learning”. Fast-forward twenty years, I got my MA and started working as an English language teacher. Step by step, alongside teaching, I started training other educators, creating and managing content, leading teams of content creators, researching learning strategies, and defending my doctoral thesis in education. After moving to another country, I got a chance to combine my theoretical knowledge with practical experiences, which resulted in numerous seminars, workshops, and coaching sessions on education, languages, and cultures.
If you'd like to connect, learn more about me, and collaborate on a project, feel free to reach out: marija.smuda@gmail.com