Journaling for Skill Development and Career Growth

How can journaling help you develop skills and foster career growth

What could you do to foster success and growth in your career? One often overlooked, yet highly effective strategy for fostering continuous personal and professional growth and thriving in your career growth is - journaling.

I first learned about this strategy when a friend of mine worked on her master's thesis and researched the impact of journal writing on foreign language learning. It's been shown that journal keeping is an effective tool for students to practice skills in their target language, but this practice has numerous advantages for skill enhancement and career advancement from both a theoretical and practical standpoint.

Journaling helps you develop self-awareness and problem-solving skills but also offers a pathway to unlock your full potential as an employee. In this blog post, you'll get practical tips, some of which I tried out, and insights to help you incorporate journaling into your daily routine, enabling you to embark on a journey of self-improvement and success in the workplace.

In this article

Benefits of Journaling for Career Growth

Journaling can be a powerful tool for personal and professional growth, helping you excel in your current role by developing both hard and soft skills. Keep reading and find out why and how this strategy can help you become a better version of you:

  1. Reflection and self-awareness: At its heart, self-awareness is the ability to see ourselves clearly, that is, to become the object of our attention (1). Journaling about your daily learnings allows you to reflect on your experiences, thoughts, and emotions, which can enhance self-awareness. This heightened self-awareness can improve your decision-making, problem-solving, and communication skills, all of which are essential soft skills for success in any role.

  2. Identifying strengths and weaknesses: By logging your daily learnings, you can identify your strengths and areas that need improvement. This information can be used to create a targeted plan for personal and professional development, helping you to acquire new hard and soft skills or refine existing ones.

  3. Organising thoughts and ideas: Journal writing can help you organise your thoughts, ideas, and knowledge, making it easier to recall important information and apply it in your role. This ability to process and synthesise information can be particularly useful in developing hard skills, such as technical expertise or industry-specific knowledge.

  4. Goal-setting and tracking progress: Journaling allows you to set short-term and long-term goals, as well as track your progress toward achieving them. By regularly reviewing your journal entries, you can assess your development in both hard and soft skills, make adjustments to your goals, and celebrate your successes.

  5. Enhancing creativity and innovation: Writing about your daily learnings can stimulate creativity and encourage new ideas or approaches. This can lead to innovative solutions and improved performance in your role, particularly in areas that require creative problem-solving or strategic thinking.

  6. Developing emotional intelligence: Perhaps the most widely accepted scientific definition of emotional intelligence is “the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use the information to guide one’s thinking and actions”(2). Journaling about your emotions, reactions, and interpersonal experiences can help you develop emotional intelligence. This includes skills such as empathy, self-regulation, and relationship management, which are essential for effective leadership and collaboration.

  7. Learning from mistakes: By logging your daily learnings, you create a record of your mistakes and challenges, allowing you to analyse them and identify patterns. This process can help you learn from your mistakes, develop resilience, and ultimately become more proficient in your role.

There was an instance when I inadvertently disrupted the navigation on our website, resulting in a confusing and disorganised layout. Simply said - I messed up. At first, neither my colleagues nor I could pinpoint the cause of this issue. However, as I recalled and journaled the steps I took that day, I realised that it was most likely my own actions that led to the mistake. Through this process of introspection and documentation, I not only identified the problem but also outlined the necessary steps to avoid such mishaps in the future. Another thing I included in my journal was how good I felt when my colleagues and I made jokes about this, reinforcing the notion that mistakes are not failures, but rather opportunities for learning and development. Now, I understand better how to avoid this specific mistake and how fortunate I am to be working in such supportive and growth-oriented environment.

Overall, journaling can provide a structured approach to personal and professional development, enabling you to continuously grow and excel in your current role. By regularly logging your daily learnings, you can develop and refine the hard and soft skills necessary for success, foster creativity and innovation, and improve your overall performance.

What to Include in a Learning Journal

There's no right or wrong when it comes to the content you want to include in your journaling. A learning diary is a record of your daily experiences, thoughts, and insights that contribute to your personal and professional growth. Here are a few examples of what you can focus on:

  1. Challenges and problem-solving: Document any challenges or obstacles you faced during the day and how you attempted to solve them. Reflect on the effectiveness of your approach and consider alternative solutions for future reference.

  2. New skills or knowledge: Record any new skills or knowledge you acquired during the day. This could include technical skills, industry-specific knowledge, or insights gained from attending seminars, workshops, or training sessions.

  3. Achievements and successes: Note any accomplishments, both big and small, that occurred during the day. Reflect on the factors that contributed to your success and how you can replicate or build on these achievements in the future.

  4. Lessons learned: Write down any key lessons learned from your experiences, whether from successes, failures, or feedback from others. Consider how these lessons can be applied to improve your performance and development.

  5. Interpersonal interactions: Document significant interactions with colleagues, supervisors, or clients, and reflect on your communication and relationship-building skills. Analyse areas for improvement and consider strategies to enhance your interpersonal effectiveness.

  6. Emotional experiences: Record your emotional responses to various situations throughout the day. Reflect on the reasons behind these emotions and consider how you can manage or leverage them in a productive manner.

  7. Inspirations and ideas: Jot down any inspirations or innovative ideas that emerged during the day. Consider how these ideas can be integrated into your work or personal life to drive positive change.

  8. Goal-setting and progress: Document your short-term and long-term goals, as well as any progress made toward achieving them. Reflect on the steps you've taken, the obstacles you've faced, and any adjustments needed to stay on track.

  9. Gratitude and positivity: Record moments of gratitude, appreciation, or positivity that occurred during the day. Focusing on the positive aspects of your life can improve your overall well-being and motivation.

  10. Questions and areas for further exploration: Note any questions or topics that you'd like to explore further, whether related to your professional development, industry trends, or personal interests. This can serve as a starting point for future learning and growth.

Remember that a learning diary is a personal document, and you can tailor its contents to your specific needs and preferences. The key is to maintain consistency and reflect regularly to maximise the benefits of your learning diary.

Too Busy for Journaling?

Incorporating journaling into your busy schedule can be challenging, but with a few strategies and some commitment, you can make it a consistent and beneficial habit. Here are some suggestions to help you implement journaling in your daily routine:

1. Set a specific time: Dedicate a specific time each day for journaling, ideally when you can focus and reflect without distractions. Many people find journaling in the morning or before bedtime to be most effective. You can set a reminder or an alarm to help you establish the habit.

2. Start small: Begin with a manageable commitment, such as writing for just 5-10 minutes per day. As you become more comfortable with journaling and begin to see its benefits, you can gradually increase the duration or frequency of your journaling sessions.

3. Keep it simple: Use a simple notebook, digital document, or journaling app to record your thoughts. Choose a format that is easy to access and convenient for you, so you're more likely to maintain the habit.

4. Prioritise and focus: If you're short on time, focus on the most important aspects of your day or the most pressing issues you want to address in your journal. Concentrating on key learnings, challenges, or emotions can help make your journaling more targeted and efficient.

How about choosing one topic from the previous paragraph and focusing on it in the beginning, then slowly introducing other aspects of your day?

5. Use prompts: If you're unsure what to write about or find it difficult to get started, use journal prompts to guide your writing. 

Prompts can be questions or statements that help you reflect on specific topics, such as goals, successes, challenges, or emotions and help guide your journaling and make it more focused and effective. Here are two prompts designed to encourage reflection, self-awareness, and personal growth. Try out these two examples:

Prompt 1 - Today's most valuable lesson: Consider your experiences from today and identify the most important lesson you learned. Reflect on the situation that led to this lesson, how it impacted your thoughts and actions, and how you can apply this knowledge moving forward. This prompt encourages you to recognise and internalise the key insights from your daily experiences, helping you grow personally and professionally.
  • Example: "Today's most valuable lesson was realising the importance of active listening during team meetings. I truly wanted to understand how to help our UX designer get valuable feedback from our testing. Since I don't know much about the testing platform he uses, I listened, wrote down a few keywords and set up a quick call afterwards to ensure I understood what he meant. I'll continue to practice active listening in future meetings to foster better communication and teamwork."
Prompt 2 - One challenge and my approach to overcome it: Identify a specific challenge you faced today and describe the steps you took to address it. Evaluate the effectiveness of your approach and consider alternative strategies you could use in the future. This prompt helps you develop problem-solving skills and resilience by encouraging you to reflect on your challenges and learn from your experiences.
  • Example: "One challenge I faced today was struggling to meet a tight deadline and prepare banners for our upcoming campaign after three departments had different requirements. I decided to prioritise tasks, eliminate unnecessary distractions, offered three possible solutions, chose one, and asked a colleague to double-check the banners. Although I managed to complete the project on time, I can work on being more clear in expressing the capacities of my department, and prioritisation."

You can adapt these prompts to your specific needs and goals. Regularly using prompts like these can help you gain valuable insights, develop problem-solving skills, and foster personal and professional growth.

6. Combine journaling with other activities: Incorporate journaling into your existing routine by combining it with other daily activities. For example, you could journal during your morning coffee or while commuting on public transportation.

7. Make it enjoyable: Personalise your journaling experience by using a notebook or app that you enjoy, writing with a favourite pen, or creating a comfortable space to write. The more enjoyable the process, the more likely you are to stick with it.

8. Be flexible and forgiving: If you miss a journaling session, don't be too hard on yourself. Life can be unpredictable, and it's important to be flexible and forgiving. Simply acknowledge the missed session and continue with your journaling routine as soon as possible.

9. Track your progress: Monitor your journaling habit by tracking your consistency and progress over time. This can provide motivation and help you identify any patterns or barriers that may be impacting your journaling routine.

I prefer calendars and planners. You can use a physical or digital form to record your journaling sessions. Write a brief note or use a specific symbol (e.g., a star, checkmark) to indicate that you've journaled on a particular day. This method allows you to easily see your journaling consistency in the context of your other daily activities and commitments.

 You can create a simple habit tracker in a notebook, planner, or digital tool (e.g., a spreadsheet, an app like Habitica or Loop Habit Tracker). For each day you complete a journaling session, mark the corresponding box or cell. This visual representation of your consistency can be motivating and make it easier to identify patterns or areas for improvement. You can also include additional information, such as the duration of your journaling sessions or the specific prompts used.

Finally, consider using a journaling app that includes habit-tracking features, such as Day One, Journey, or Reflectly. These apps often provide reminders, streak counters, and progress charts, making it simple to track your journaling habit over time. Additionally, they offer a convenient platform for writing and organising your journal entries.

10. Review and reflect: Periodically review your journal entries to assess your growth, identify patterns, and celebrate your achievements. This can serve as a reminder of the benefits of journaling and motivate you to continue the practice.

Remember that the key to successful journaling is consistency. Start with a manageable commitment, be flexible, and gradually build the habit into your daily routine. Over time, you'll begin to see the benefits of journaling and how it contributes to your personal and professional growth.


Journaling is a powerful tool for personal and professional development that can help you unlock your full potential as an employee. By consistently reflecting on your experiences, tracking your progress, and identifying areas for improvement, you can develop the skills necessary to excel in your role and advance your career.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Journaling can help you develop both hard and soft skills by fostering self-awareness, reflection, and creativity.
  2. Logging daily learnings in a journal can assist in identifying strengths and weaknesses, setting goals, and tracking progress toward personal and professional development.
  3. Incorporating journaling into your busy schedule is achievable by setting a specific time, starting small, and using prompts to guide your writing.
  4. A learning diary can include various elements, such as challenges, new skills or knowledge, achievements, lessons learned, interpersonal interactions, and emotional experiences.
  5. Tracking your journaling habit using a habit tracker, calendar or planner, or a journaling app can help you stay consistent, motivated, and monitor your progress over time.

 Suggested reading on the topic:
(1) Eurich T. (2017). Insight: Why We’re Not as Self-Aware as We Think, and How Seeing Ourselves Clearly Helps Us Succeed at Work and in Life. New York: Crown Bus.
(2) Salovey, P., & Mayer, J.D. (1990). Emotional intelligence. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 9, 185–211.